Monday, February 27, 2012

The rules keep changing

One of the frustrations with this house is the arbitrary and capricious regulatory maze that we have had to wade through at considerable expense. We started out, and still are, very mindful of the fact that water and wet lands are particularly vulnerable. We hired a local soil surveyor who had experience and knowledge of the area and the area's experts on land surveying. Neither were inexpensive and both had significant delays. We instructed the soil surveyor to adhere to the old law as the new one passed by the state was virtually useless in terms of protecting the waterfront.

Now that we need our system 'recertified' by the state [the system has sat in the ground 'approved' for 16 years UNUSED] we find that it had to be connected to the foundation which we did not have at the time. I was told by the State guy that once connected, he would revisit, look at the pipe [not sure why] and then issue the re certification. NOW I find that he also thinks 'it would be a good idea' to have vent pipes also. And my soil surveyor thinks it is a requirement of the state [unknown evidently by the state guy] to have two plans drawn up showing the current location of the foundation. Can you see the $$$ stacking up? The two authorities don't even agree with each other!

Also we applied for a driveway permit. The old driveway was a tortuous route through others driveway circuits. We are at the end of the cul de sac with NO ONE possible on that end. We own all the way around. We were told that the usual route of getting the road agent to approve will not work and that I have to have an engineered driveway showing location. Again, no reason given really. More $$$. When I called Norway Plains, who did the original survey THEY asked why I was being required to do this as it is unheard of.

And these are the same guys who we want to manage our school system, our infrastructure and our emergency services?


  1. hi guys...we are very much interested in your progress as both thom and i have had the experience of building new homes and the red tape one goes through... :} good luck - faith and thom

  2. I would be, as they say, beside myself with this sort of thing. I wish you a speedy and less stressful transition into the next stages...

    1. Thanks guys. It does help to see your comments on this blog. We will get past this but I have to admit that dealing with prima donnas has never been my forte'. I, like most people in business, are paid to get results and not to simply be obstructionists.

    2. Hey, what ever happened to "Live Free or Die"?
