Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Good evening! First of all, many thanks to those who have continued to express an interest in our rather large undertaking - building an energy efficient retirement house on the lake. The final stages of the project are imminent. Plumbing is roughed in and approved (today), HRV (heat recovery ventilation)system is about half installed, partitions all up and staged for the drywall contractor, garage is DONE with drywall, paint, all doors of all sorts, windows trimmed, metal roof layout done and ordered, and rough in electrical started. Plan is to release the building to the drywallers by June 15th - an aggressive target. We are doing the blow test tomorrow testing the entire house for leaks by applying pressure to the interior and scanning with thermographic instruments. All these disciplines are "converging" onto the site. At one point we had 6 distinct disciplines on the site in addition to us the owners and the building inspector. Part of my role is to help them all play well in the same sand box we will call our home. On other related fronts, we now have the aforementioned garage to store our 'stuff' in so that process starts on Saturday. My brother and son are coming to assist. This initial move is all boxes and we are leaving the HEAVY stuff like the piano to the movers who arrive on Wednesday June 6th. June 6th will be the first night at our friends the Reed Ericksons. We clean the 7th, turn the house over on the 8th. And then our presence at 163 Estes Road will be history in the past...not the present. We closed on the sale last Friday. All for now... Matt

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