Thursday, March 8, 2012

Work behind the scenes

There is much that goes on that does not actually involve digging holes, pounding nails or moving materials. Yesterday, reviewed the window schedule for the final time and plan to place the order today. This is about 10% of the total cost of the house and arguably the most visible and striking part of the project. The goal is NOT have a door that swings the wrong way, a window that is sized incorrectly, or of the wrong style.
The power should reach the site early next week - just waiting on Public Service to arrive.
Driveway permit paperwork all submitted. Seems they have forms for everything. I had to submit a waiver form to not do an engineering study costing about $1,000 with no visible or tangible outcome. Karen is going to present the application to the planning board...
The house goes on the market today after the realtor visits. We keep looking to June 1 when all this will be behind us. Karen issues her patented LOON call every now and again to remind us of why we are doing this.

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